Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Beginning

I don't do Face Book so I decided to do a blog so I could keep in touch with family and friends. We recently moved from beautiful Lancaster County, PA to Greenville, SC due to Jim's job transfer. We are building a house so right now we are living with Ben, Deb, Emma, and Lily. Oh, and Tara is here too. In fact, she is sharing a room with almost three year old Emma!
After looking for a new house for many months we finally decided to build. We hope to break ground next week if all the necessary permits are approved. We did the closing on the construction loan yesterday. The attorney wished us well and said he hoped our marriage survived this because his office didn't handle divorce cases (lol). You would not believe how many times over the course of this past year trying to sell our house in PA and trying to figure out what we were going to do here in Greenville that I told Jim that I did not know how much more stress our marriage could take. Well, here we are and here we go. In some ways it is exciting but the reality is it is going to be hard at times. We are working with a company called UBuildIt. They act as consultants but we do a lot of the leg work such as getting the necessary permits and getting some quotes which saves us a lot of money. If you know anything about Jim you know he is always looking for a good deal so I think he will be great at this (with some help from me).
It is weird not having our own home. This is the first time in almost thirty three years we have not had our own place. It is also a bit weird living with Ben- not because it's Ben but because we are living with one of our children instead of them living with us. Now I know why Mom always said she didn't want to live with any of her children. This is just a temporary situation. I'm sure we will all survive. We are hoping to break ground next week but we are waiting for the septic approval so we can get the building permit. I plan to post pictures of the progress and also use this site as a vent for my frustrations.
I am confident that it is God's will for us to be here and to be building this house. We desire to use this house for His glory in some way as a ministry opportunity. We have met some of our neighbors and hope that we can be a witness to them. I heard a sermon yesterday that was a blessing to me. The preacher reminded me that God is too loving to be unkind, too wise to make a mistake, and too powerful for His sovereign will to be thwarted.

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